Mintio Gallery

Charlotte F Square 250

Charlotte F

Charlotte F is a new, young and very talented emerging artist that Mintio Gallery have been fortunate enough to build a strong and growing relationship with. Charlotte F is simply one of those people in life who is very difficult to understand or comprehend. This is simply because it is very unusual to meet a person who achieves everything in life with effortless ease, grace and style.

At Mintio Gallery we jokingly refer to her as “The Alien”. One who has been here before and is now just revisiting our earth. Everything Charlotte F does is generally outstanding and exceptional, but everything she achieves is done with the minimum of effort, application or fanfare from herself. She is a wonderful and exceptional sportswoman across a wide range of sports. She is also a very beautiful but un-self conscious model for a well renowned and well respected London model agency. A great singer and an accomplished actor, she is also a wonderfully kind and modest person and a shy and truly talented artist.

YES! She is an Alien.


16 - Lunapic - Graffiti

Moroccan Girl